Step into the world of Volleyverse, where voice commands shape reality! Within a mere 24-hour hackathon, we manifested an enchanting “Making-A-Wish” experience exclusively for the Quest headsets. We presend our creation during the holiday season, serving as a conduit for spreading merriment and extending heartfelt Christmas wishes to all volley employees.
MoCáp turns your iPhone and iPad into your motion capture studio! Rise your iPhone or iPad, point the camera toward a person, and start making your motion capture masterpiece. It saves the motion data into the bvh file. You can then use it in your favorite 3D character creation tool, like Cinema 4D, Maya/MotionBuilder, Blender, Poser, only to name a few.
Facroll frees your hands when you browse the webpage. It applies iPhone’s face recognition technology and AI-powered Fasture library and let you browse the webpages with facial expressions. The app is also the working showcase to demonstrate how to integrate these two emerging technologies to a good user experience.